Friday, January 4, 2008

Hafsa: I'm my great granma

A page from Hafsa's diary:

Dear Diary
I am so confused! My dad just had to marry my darling step-grand-daughter even though she's only a kid. He threatened he'll break the Zam Zam well if her dad refused. People can be so childish at times. Anyways, now I'll have to call that little girl my step mom. Imagine! But since she's also my step-grand-daughter, wont that make my dad my step grandson in-law?

Another thing is, my husband Mohammed has become my dad's grandfather in-law. And so my husband is now my great grandfather in-law which in turn makes me his great grand father in-law. So finally I end up being married to my great grandpa (in law!! Who cares about the bloody in-laws by now?!) making me my own great grandmother. And all because someone cant control what's between his legs! Men!!

PS: Remember to write to the Grand Mufti asking him about marriage to a step-granddaughter.

PPS: Sadly no wedding photos were taken coz my husband was at the party and he's allergic to cameras. Go figure.


All this reminds me of this song.

By the way Islamically-speaking this marriage is haram. Although, according to unreliable Wikipedia, its historical validity is accepted by the majority of Muslims.

1 comment:

Dhivehi Resistance said...

islamically speaking honor killings, suicide bomings and such are all haraam. And almost always its muslims who practice it!!